Unlock your property's potential with Bear Landscape & Design, LLC's premium landscaping services. From design to cleanup, our team ensures excellence. Don't miss out, call us for a free estimate today!

Transform Your Space With Professional Landscaping Services in Independence, OH

Struggling with unruly gardens or bland outdoor areas? In Independence, OH, Bear Landscape & Design, LLC offers expert landscaping services designed to address these challenges. Our commitment to quality work, initiated during our founder’s high school years, ensures that your outdoor spaces will not only meet but exceed your expectations. Experience the beauty and functionality of a professionally designed landscape today.


Try Our Landscaping Services

At Bear Landscape & Design, LLC, we’re proud to offer a suite of services that directly address your landscaping needs. Each service is specifically tailored for Independence, OH, ensuring optimal results for both residential and commercial properties. Here’s a closer look at what we can do for you:

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Get Ready to Fall in Love with Your Lawn

Navigating landscaping projects can be daunting, but with Bear Landscape & Design, LLC, you’re in good hands. Our landscaping services are designed to simplify the process and ensure success. Don’t hesitate—reach out to us at (440) 623-3250 and discover how we make landscaping in Independence, OH, a breeze.

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